It ALL starts w/Lucia- you should get a VAN!!

WI in Northern Idaho…?

Meet Lauren and Corbet (like corbet’s couloir :). Schweitzer ID locals..

Not only does Lauren own the local must go…bar/grill…hangout, the St Bernard. But her uncle is a huge birkie skier..almost famous!

Send-IT! and I are fortunate that we 1) met Lauren and Cobet (Chopper Pilot!) 2) we are now sleeping in their parking lot and 3)…

The views, terrain, and skiing in the Selkirks is awesome!

Don’t tell anyone about this place 🙂


  1. Frank Bell

    Your skiing adventure certainly has bought you to many beautiful parts of our great nation along with enabling you to meet many fascinating people; kinda like Charles Kuralt’s AMERICA (a MUST read for every American)

    • samuraif16

      Love It! Thx Dad;)

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